Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Village

Had we all been raised as children by one another, our society would be healthier. For what moral person, having taken part in raising children would want to send a child of their own out into a harsh world also of their creation? Wouldn’t everyone work harder to improve the world on a global scale in which they hope to send their young friends off to, the ones they gave their lives to nourish? Does the farmer taint the soil he wants his seeds to grow in?

Sadly, that question will go unanswered for now, because society still derives benefit from the abuse of children. It is an industry after all. Those who were once trusted with guiding a child down the path to maturation and happiness have been cast in the social role of the fiend and the rapist and been done away with--disposed of to make room for the corporations, governments and other impersonal entities to wield undue influence over the personal child, indeed, the new caretakers.

Though buried in endless platitudes, it is all too easy to see how the statement that it takes a village to raise a child has been misapplied. That village constitutes more than the legal guardians of the child, but includes all of society, even as the parent should always remain the child's central peg upon which the rest of society intermittently revolves. This concept is no more relevant in the modern age than it was in the dawn of civilization. When the child becomes everyone's responsibility, the child becomes no one's responsibility.

The parents are legally bound to their relationship, but the child is inevitably shaped by numerous other social entities. Once this is accepted as an inevitability in a world that preaches "the village" and legally enforces much less, therein lies the promise for altering what is a cultural fear of forces "contaminating" the child. Despite how a child is influenced by "the village," none have a larger impact on the child than the individuals for which the child is securely attached to--that is, so long as they are still given a chance to be attached to an individual person.

The CL relationship is essentially that primordial art of loving a child for the preservation of our collective destiny. The love we speak of is that same ancient non-parental method of child rearing reflected into an unreceptive modern world. It is demonized because the village takes no responsibility for the mistakes that necessitate CL. The system wants one thing, to continue being the system, and therefore, individuals are blamed for the mistakes of the village.

What Love We Speak Of (Cont.)

Within all historic civilizations there existed a transmission of the present culture invested toward the youth generation and the potential in them they had to continue to live as a community. This is biological. It is an evolutionary investment in civilization we inevitably bestow onto our youngest, and it occurred as a deeply social ritual. Little of this exists today in western culture that has not been demonized and vilified by complexity--having turned into an impersonal industry or qualified service delivery. Where people have been replaced by paper, and love replaced by industry, we have gone astray.

In past history, the former generation entrusted the future survival of the race onto the boy, as he left the realm of the home, dominated by the female, and came onto the realm of the hunt, the realm of the protector. It was at this stage alone that the boy was taught and trained to be a future hunter or scribe, whether it was studying war, or interpreting sacred texts, or the arts, the occupation itself differing according to talent and proficiency. More importantly, it was the place in which he became a man. It was a place in which he was allowed to be human, to learn and develop his natural aggression in ways he could use it to be useful. All through this process into healthy adulthood, his own talents were guided and observed by non-parental men who taught and helped the boy discover himself. It was the men of the society who made the decision that a boy had achieved the honorable title of being a contributing member of society--not an artificial line in the sand age limit.

There are many similarities within the home. An extended kinship-based network of older women taught girls. They were taught all the inner necessities of preparation for the hearth, maintenance of the living space, the garden, the nursery, and the proper raising of the young. Modern society has made very little honor out of such important tasks as these, by a period of male chauvinism, ultimately dismissing them as menial or unimportant, followed by a more feminist inspired detestation toward these important tasks, and an understandable eventual break from them all together. These days, and rightly, boys and girls are free to explore paths to adulthood that don't hinge on biological assignment.

However, due to this, political correctness has raised few with a healthy interest in the positive upbringing of children, so that the desire to do so overwhelms their life by that same evolutionary force that summoned non-parents to guide children. No doubt adults who are already parents feel this. Nonetheless, how many have an inherent interest in the benefit of children as a purpose to live before they personally bring the child into the world? Is it no wonder so many parents abort, neglect, abandon, orphan, or abuse their child in some way due to this obvious disinterest in raising one in the modern world? Child abuse has always existed and will always exist, it is the glue that holds society together, but never was it done as much out of disinterest as it was out of necessity. The modern world no longer finds it necessary to abuse children for their own good, it simply continues to do so out of a disinterest in the so-called menial task of raising them.

There are a group of people, who may or may not have children of their own, but have a continued a healthy interest in befriending and helping a child grow in a world were raising a child is considered the most demeaning responsibility a person can commit themselves to. Perhaps this could serve as a testament to the overall degradation of youth that occurs within the modern society, destroying the optimism that once was so prevalent in the adolescence of that primordial past.

What Love We Speak Of

We advocate the love of children. Simply, that answer is correct. Yet, there is little simplicity in human beings, and the resolve prompted by love can easily turn from advocating alongside youth to arguing on their behalf, especially among the establishment and parents, who have already claimed the child realm. Humans by nature designate simple thoughts such as affection with complex social attitudes and procedures, thus de-emphasizing the natural relationship. This relationship is the essential socially complex organism that we want to work to simplify for them.

Any complication is avoided when children are on the table, and thoughts as well as insights are portrayed with such conviction and certainty that it produces a tangle of beliefs so knotted that the children are practically left hanging on the end of the advocate's rope by the head. The more grand the explanation, however, the more vivid the picture becomes, and the greater our understanding. So somehow we have to strike the balance between appreciating human relationships as the complex things they are, and not bog it down with unnecessary complications born out of our media-fed preconceptions.

CL is the ultimate emancipation of children from forces that seek to control or minimize their human rights, that among them are the central human liberties extended to all human beings. It is a break from the world of the material and the possessive and a replacement into the world of charity, love, and humility. All of them are traits that define the higher and more beautiful and optimistic aspects of human life. It is necessitated in the modern world, as the caring adult in effect assists in raising that which the parent put into the world. It is a personal choice to help in the raising of the child, out of love and not reward or biological requirement.

This "natural non-parent method" of raising children was nowhere near as complicated or demonized in our collective past. The allowances of general historical templates on which the ideologies are derived from are necessary to understand. They present the modern human being with the destiny of continual change, by representing that most basic principle in the form of what had come before to create the present (that ruled by paper), in order to shape the future (that ruled by love). CL is demonized because it no longer fits in the modern world that has eclipsed its charismatic elements with cold-hearted bureaucracy. It has its roots in the infinite past, and has not been crushed under the bureaucratic rubber stamp--quite the contrary--CL has continued to evolve since the earliest days in human history.

To be continued.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Psalm 37:1-2 - Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity. For they shall soon be cut down like the grass, and wither as the green herb.
Proverbs 24:19 - Fret not thyself because of evil men, neither be thou envious at the wicked.

There's no need to worry about the works of Perverted Justice, for their fate is sealed in the stone of legality teetering over their head, which they will soon upset past the tipping point. The slings they use to harass their adversaries will begin to buckle under the weight, and down will come the stone. There's no need to worry oneself over where the child molesters are, because they will always exist, everywhere, and they will always be held accountable for their selfishness at some point.

The works of all antichrists will always end down in flames, the earth will purge them, shake them off like ticks, and they'll surely leave a system of intolerance, injustice, and corruption in their wake, built on selfishness, but there's no need to fret oneself over it. There is no social force as strong as the human will, and it will refuse to submit itself to oppression, as it always has, no matter when or where. All that is sewn from human selfishness on the earth withers, because humans are too selfish to let it grow. The evil will prosper unto their demise, the good will suffer unto vindication.

We must not let the vices born out of this human selfishness, out of the institutional oppression itself, tempt us away from our purpose in life--which is to be the only ones feeling the justice of vindication when everyone else has bit their own bullet. Don't be wanting of that which was grown from the system that is oppressing you (all CP), because the bad soil has tainted it, and by collecting and ingesting it, will taint you too. Don't be envious of those who collect CP in large quantities, for they will not see vindication. No matter how upright you are on the earth, drinking from the world's poison will always cripple you to imprisonment. That which is of the system is poison to the CL, and that which is of love is their life.

When humanity's adversaries perpetually meet their end, to be replaced by the new, whether child molesters or vigilantes, we want to be the last ones standing, along with the children we've nurtured to health (out from society's poisonous grasp). In the end, if we have succeeded in making a child's life better by our own force of will, and the child's will, none of the evil in the world (which will always exist) will matter. We may not be justified by the rules of men, but love itself will breed our vindication, shown in the health of our children.

Let's not call it karma, let's call it nature. We get what we give. If you're not wrong, everything is alright. Live clean, let your works be seen.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Child Molestation

Let's not mince words or wax poetic on this. Child molestation, including all sexual exploitation and kidnapping, is evil. While vigilantes are consumed by hate to the point where they would not bat an eyelash at the mutilation of those who stand in the path of their lust, child molesters are just as sick. Both come in the guise of some savior and leave society scratching its scalp, disgusted and unable to come to terms with what would drive an individual to such depths. While vigilantes are gratifying themselves over the severed tongues of their adversaries and treading blood in the storm drains, child molesters are making them feel vindicated for doing it.

The doctor may be able to get away with the excuse that causing a child harm by the prick of a needle will create great benefit because of the injection, but the same logic will never justify any other harm done to a child, or to society because of a child. Unless you create a fanciful story whereby a child must be harmed in order to save their life, intentionally harming a child out of a need to protect them should go against your deepest principles. The first rule, the cardinal rule, of CL is "do no harm," and this is true no matter what form of it is manifested. As we shall see, this doesn't just mean "don't subject the child to harm" but also, do not seek any kind of benefit from children being harmed, because to do so is to be an accessory to their suffering.

Having said that, it should be surprising that when society says it wants to protect children from molestation, they do the opposite. Most child molestation, by wide margin, takes place between family members, not strangers. Most child molestation takes place within the home between people the family trusts, not strangers on the playground. Most child molestation occurs between parent and child. Very little child molestation occurs due to rogue slugs on the internet, but so much emphasis is placed on this tiny percent, and it happens at the ignorance of the more prevalent forms of child molestation. Society easily fails to accomplish what its best sentiments had directed it to do when its distraction by the tiny minority of cases overwhelms its attention toward the wide margin. Child molestation is child molestation, whether society has clearly painted a target on the perpetrator's back or not. Imagine that!

And with all the tear-jerking on the issue of a child being victimized, we can only conclude that selling child molestation as an entertainment format in the media is tough when the perpetrator is "one of the audience"--namely, all the parents lapping this stuff up. Nobody wants to insult their paying parental viewers or readers, so the perpetrator always must be some rogue slug instead. Parents just don't make very convincing villains to a parental public, no matter how much the child had to suffer at that particular perpetrator's hands. Rogues always make better villains, no matter how inoffensive the crime. Their priorities are backwards (the majority of child abuse is ignored, the minority is blown up to ridiculous super-villainy status), and because of this, child molestation continues to be a sensationalist epidemic, children suffer at the hands of this "child abuse entertainment industry", John Walsh gets rich on their unfortunate demise, and vigilantes have a never-ending vat of human beings to terrorize for their own pleasure.

No one who is benefiting from child molestation is in any position to preach morality on the topic, it doesn't matter if you're a child molester, a vigilante, or a media reporter earning a buck off the sale of your latest story. On the contrary, the groups who have any position to say anything on the issue are those who don't stand to benefit from child molestation in any way--the hapless public lead to believe anything, and those who love children--known as CLs.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Child is the Nigger of the World

"Think about it, do something about it.."

Whenever you look at age based laws, you have to start going back to 18th and 19th century social customs to find even a trace of justification for them. We haven't the originality to break free of them yet, despite 200 years of progress in all other realms of the social practice. The young ones today are left behind, unwilling participants in the social prejudices of their great grandfathers. Just as well, this isn't something unique to modern, western culture, but is true of nearly all people at all time throughout history. Child is the slave of the slave, the impish servant of the servant, and unless bestowed to the inhuman heights of God-head or King, has never been regarded by civilized society for being, simply, the human beings they are.

A minor is a citizen below the age of majority (whatever the country sets), that requires certain provisions, restrictions, and protections enforced by the state for the preservation of their own good as deemed acceptable by the law.

A non-parent's love for a child breaks all these artificial and socially produced boundaries, and in doing so, presents a natural cure for their unnatural ills. Downpressers, be them child molesters or child advocates, work to confine and control. CLs work to give children every right that they claim for themselves. Downpressers limit a child's freedom of movement to protect safety, freedom of choice and self determination in exchange for peace of mind, and provide services in ever-increasingly restrictive environments. CLs, just by remaining outside the modes of control, are free to offer a child a complete freedom of movement, the freedom of choice (to be with the CL on their own accord), and provide services for the child as an act of personal charity rather than for the collection of paychecks, stipends, or even volunteer credit.

Downpressers establish the minor code that restricts a child's access to opportunities to improve their quality of life. The CL offers the child the step up at the drinking fountain when the child is in need of a drink. Downpressers afford the minor no right to control their body, nor do they allow the child any dignity regarding privacy in hygene and respecting the child's private space. CLs afford the child as much distance as needed, because the CL is not bound to the outdated regulations concerning the treatment of minors. Downpressers restrict a child's right to be with whom they choose in ways they choose that may upset the balance of power. CLs encourage the child's freedom of association, choice of friends, and membership in groups, because they don't have to fear loosing any power imbalance separating them from the child.

Downpressers the world over deny a child's right to express themselves, to think and say what they want, especially when the child has a perfectly legitimate reason for doing such. Under the love of a CL, the child will fear no reprisal for expressing themselves, especially when they have a legitimate gripe with the prejudices they face. Downpressers have established that nothing, even that which the child manages to purchase or work for on their own, belongs to the child, and reserve the right to abscond with any piece of property in the hands of a minor at their discretion. True CLs believe a child has the right to acquire, use, and dispose of possessions and funds as they please, and don't manipulate a child's will to do such for their own benefit.

Downpressers restrict children's rights capriciously, particularly in the area of justice and due process. No CL has ever thrown an eight year old in juvenile detention for skipping school. Downpressers are obsessed with providing for a child's general physical well-being and safety, but deprive them of other rights in the process. No true CL has ever deprived a child of a any right to self-hood based on preserving some feeling of the child's well-being. The child's well-being is only preserved by preserving all of the child's rights. Anybody who has claimed to be a CL and has not upheld any child their rights, is no CL, but a downpresser in disguise.

Where the downpresser seeks to ground the chick, the CL seeks to teach it to fly. Regulations or selfish desires can not nurture a child, only love can.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Paper In and Paper Out

It's simple social engineering. Paper goes in and paper comes out. Paper is the object we use to shuffle children across the bottomless pit--the deeper it goes, the more we feel the urge to build them a bridge made out of it. Bureaucracy is the function that has replaced a human being's love for teaching a child with a delicate utilitarian mechanism, and paper is its food source. The industry that has replaced our charismatic ambition to care for children runs on, and for the sake of, money, permits, licenses, and paperwork. Somewhere between the mandates, the sign-in sheets, and the health codes, children are left stumbling around without direction, cared for but not cared about. Paper is the first and last concern.

Somewhere in time, the ancient practice of pederasty was replaced by pedagogy, and when that happened, it was declared throughout the land that no more will people work with, live with, teach, or care for a child based on their personal ambition to do the best work they can for the life of a child. When fears gave in to bureaucracy, any notion of doing one's work out of love was swept under, and all that remained was cold, effortless, mechanistic, faceless, formation. A comfortable embrace was taken away for a wire frame. The soft cloth was just too dangerous. It is at that point, sometime in the Industrial Revolution, when people stopped caring because they wanted to care, and only if they had to.

When once it was love begetting good works, it has become paper begetting paper. Paperwork begetting profits. Good men shirked off. To give in to accomplish such desire to work with kids within the system is to give up your compassion for doing such. It's to surrender to paper. Professionals are paper people in a paper world.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Problem with Care

"A care setting is about procedure, it's no place for caring."

The fundamental philosophy governing the treatment of children residing in state care is also it's fundamental problem. The Child Protective Services provide services on behalf of the child that have nothing to do with the child.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Fate of Downpressers

Downpresser man, where you gonna run to? All along that day. You gonna run to the sea but the sea will be boiling. When you run to the sea, the sea will be boiling. All along that day. You gonna run to the rocks but the rocks will be melting. When you run to the rocks, the rocks will be melting. All that day.

You drink your big champagne and laugh, all along that day. I wouldn't like to be a flea under your collar, man, all that day. --Tosh

All authority figures governing human civilization are, and have always been, and in many ways need to be, downpressers. It is just a function of pretending to be all-mighty on the earth that one looses their soul, they loose the capacity for compassion, the capacity for empathy, the capacity for tolerance. In their world, they are bogged down in the bureaucracy they willed upon themselves by choosing to be a civic worker, a public persona, and they loose the capacity to be anything but.

These are any authority figure, including government people, police and corporate management, including all those on the front lines of population control (police, the media, social workers, justice system workers, CPS workers... etc.), and anyone who tries to control the thoughts, deeds, how we choose to communicate or what we choose to communicate about. These and other similar forces in society can only be understood as a necessary evil.

Should we be empathic towards these individuals who have chosen to run our society for us? Who have chosen to be this necessary evil? One would think. After all, who among us would willingly trade in our compassion for a heartless beaurocratic regimen? Who would trade in their love for their own child so they can work in an institution responsible for treating human beings as cattle? Surely, we owe our public servants and masters a debt of gratitude for being capable of denying their humanity on a daily basis.

What we don't owe them anything for, is their attempt to deny our humanity in due process, nor the humanity of children. We don't have to sympathize with their plight because it is one they have brought upon themselves. They perform their function for society and are greatly needed to usher us toward their own idealized promised land, but that is the absolute extent of their use. They are performers, they are functional entities destined to grow old in the system, strong in the ways of commanding people and serving them in their neat and orderly lines, but weaklings by all other comparison. The rest of us, though dehumanized in their presence, are made of far greater stuff, because we are allowed to leave. We are allowed to experience the world. We are allowed to be human.

Those who are tasked with being responsible are responsible entities. They are called "units of care" when they are put in control of children. They are called "public servants" when they are put in control of keeping a community safe. The responsibility to serve us and the authority manifested in this position allows them to become our masters. This is the only function they can perform. One who is tied down to the earth can't be moved, nor can they move themselves. Those who can move will trample on them. Downpressers today will fall down tomorrow, and on that day, not a tear will be shed in gratitude for their works. In fact, even the children will laugh.

Only the oppressed will ever know vindication. Downpressers will only know the weight of their own justice.