Sunday, June 5, 2011

Coming Off the Community

The thrust of everything I do is not to distance the childlover from society, but to invite society into his world. I wish to compromise the extremism in the fringe group that is Childlove and instead appeal to the combined better nature of humanity with the better nature of this movement. I want to help redirect the undeserved resentment for either side of the divide into something that we can all work together on for society's own benefit. I don't want to be a part of any agenda that seeks only to separate mainstream people from the childlover, and the childlover from the mainstream of society, society from the child, and the child from society, but I will support any agenda that wishes to find common ground among all members.

The fringe groups bound up in this want nothing more than to alienate society with their "outsider behavior" just as society has alienated them. There is however no chemical on the skin, no mutant formation, nothing to distinguish them apart from society on the face alone, and even still, they prefer to alienate the society which may have never personally alienated them. They complain of how "their kind" is treated, and then do nothing on the "personal" level to rise above the treatment of "their kind" as an individual.

Keep in mind, they assigned themselves the category of "outsider," not society. Society can't tell the difference between someone who has declared himself an "outsider" and someone who has not. It can only judge them by their works. And because, on the whole, they have no works to speak of, they can only be judged on their words. And because their words only revel in their own self-mockery and ironic stabs at being clever, there is nothing to judge them by, and must simply be left to their own disintegration.

Those who assign themselves "outsider" put so little value on the clarity of their face, which appears no different than anyone else's, and instead put such a large value on the obscurity of the community they assigned themselves. They place so much value on being supported by that community, and so little value on supporting themselves so that they may learn and grow by their own initiative. They don't teach themselves to walk. They maintain their communities because they're comforted enough by them to keep crawling back.

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