Thursday, May 6, 2010

Good Over Evil

The distortion of reality to fit sentimental politics is the work of the evil and the powerful, for which there is little to distinguish. We are who we are. The status of wrongdoings and the relative punishments human beings receive are inversely proportional to their size in the pond. The bigger they are, the easier it is for them to evade the repercussions of their actions, and therefore, the the easier it is to justify their lives by the laws--to play the moral high ground. We are the small fish, being eaten by the big fish, and we don't want to be justified.

Sensationalism is the greatest force of evil in existence, because unlike any material object (such as money), its evil property is not ascribed to it by human beings. For instance, there is nothing evil about money in and of itself, it is a material or conceptual thing that, without human interference, is incapable of being evil. Sensationalism on the other hand is bread out of human nature, it can not be independent of it. It is the intentional manipulation of not just information, but of the fallible human psyche, to produce an intended response from another human being. It is the molestation of another individual's will for furtherance of one's own, masquerading itself as objective.

Objectivity is a fruitless pursuit, but however impossible it may be to be completely objective when reporting on the affairs of the world, it will never justify, as is often made the case by the media, the intentional deception of the public--the manipulation of the public's trust. The powerful are in no position to play the moral high ground simply because they are powerful, when reporting on the crimes of rogue, powerless individuals like pedophiles committing crimes.

For the small fish, there is no greater honor than to be found guilty by the wicked, it simply means that you're doing something right. When the crime one is being accused of only happened in the minds of your accusers, who were influenced by the sentimental sensationalism ubiquitous in society, then one is only guilty of offending their weak minds with individual strength. Such a thing is greeted as a sign of victory among the rogues.

The prosecution of harm where no harm has happened with draconian sentencing that destroys a person's existence, as well as the existence of their family--including their children--is nothing more than pent-up passive aggression funneling itself into the likeness of the one being accused--the scapegoat for society's repression. The repression of society is evil, and though evil exists among the powerful and the powerless, it's one that is perpetrated almost exclusively by the biggest fish. It's effects drip down and corrupt every segment of civilization, and while it may all seem clean and business-like, the transactions taking place among the powerful, each cover-up blood-dollar finds its inevitable repercussion further down the food chain in the face of the beast the sensationalist media will portray as its scapegoat.

Only the guiltless have any moral high ground. What goes around, comes around. There are more of us than them.

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