Monday, August 23, 2010

Keeping Up the Fight

CL is not child protectionism under a different set of rules. It doesn't wear anyone else's mask, it lives by it's own terms and still manages to fit comfortably into society undetected. It calls out the vigilantes, the ageists, the protectionists, the molesters--downpressers of all varieties--and seeks to preserve the dignity and integrity of not just children, but of the society to which they are members. Indeed, the protectionist's heaven would be the CL's hell, and vice versa.

The protectionist's heaven would be a society motivated by fear, where children are put in jeopardy by the institutionalized, bureaucratic safety mechanism itself, which would only justify its own existence in doing so. It would be a society running on the fears caused by the inadequacies that power it's engine. The vigilante's heaven would be a society where justice is perverted such that they rule the streets to gratify their sick lust for power over their personal adversaries. The heaven of the true child molesters would be a society where they are able to perform their sick deeds without guilt, somehow escaping justice and justifying their own actions however they see fit.

It should be easy to see how any of these scenarios would be the CL's hell, because in none of them are children or adults forefront on the priority. All three are primarily motivated selfishly, and only the vigilante may or may not have insight into how children factor little into their real motivation for action. So let there be no mistaking the CL and these groups who also find themselves hovering around society's youth. Just as much as the downpresser's heaven is a threat to CL though, the CL's heaven is a threat to the downpresser, which is why we have to keep up the fight to make it real.

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