Friday, August 27, 2010

Pity the Mudslingers

I'm going to preempt the opposition and get the misunderstanding out in the open before it can do any damage to anyone, including those who are bound to make it. I've been blogging for too long not to expect the inevitable coming down the pike whenever an alternative perspective concerning children rears its head. For one, "Innocence Game" does not imply that the author of all this is playing some type of innocence game (as if something illegal were happening here), so all naysayers out there can commence feeling foolish now that their cheeky sneak jab isn't going to be as fresh as they thought it would be. For two, "Innocence Game" does not imply that any child's lack of experience ought to be played with in a way that could be damaging, or however the reader might construe it.

"Innocence Game" takes its derivation from the song "Patriot Game" by Dominic Behan, and refers to the way society places ideology over human life. In this case, the ideology is the concept of childhood innocence, and how society turns it into a game by upholding it at the expense of real live children. Jingoism and innocence are linked in that they both marry one's perspective to an artificial ideology of self-preservation, and then use that extreme emotional over-compensation to justify the villainization and victimization of other people. What could be more hazardous to a growing child than a society made up of that? Furthermore, it is the purpose of these writings to offer an alternative perspective--to call it out as the sensationalist, sentimental, and dangerous game that it is.

The message here will not appeal to the blinded at all, even this explanation. They will continue to see monsters on the prowl here because that is what they want to see. True monsters can't help but see their terrifying selves in others, and those who hurl accusation of "monster" at particular individuals who are advocating no such thing are only attempting to divert attention away from their own carnal lusts. I pity those who go around feeling victorious for shouting at the shadows of inanimate objects under the impression they are monsters. I pity the mudslingers.

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