Sunday, March 21, 2010

Child-Centrism is Spectacle

If a child smashes another child in the face, the Law will extend him an immediate promotion to adult, usually with the full cooperation, if not at the urging of, the parents, including court-appointed ones. This is for the sole purpose of legitimizing a more harsh punishment. If the child instead commits an act that exceeds some creative, intellectual, or physical standard, the adults who are directly involved will pat themselves and each other on the back for making such effective efforts to provoke the child into committing the extreme act.

In neither case is the child at the center. The child will end up having to thank the adults responsible for his positive achievement, or having to burn for the adults responsible for his negative one. The child is never a center, always an extension. None of this is for the 'greater good' of children. The vast majority of it was/is for nothing greater than increasing the variety of perverted titillation available to adults.

As the world sees it, every child must be smothered by the threats of society until they flee in terror from their individuality into the arms of obedience and perpetual dependence upon 'society'. Nothing evolves, only revolves. Children currently revolve around a future assigned to them under the illusion they've chosen it, or life in a cage if they decide not to show up to claim their assignment.

None of this revolves around the better interest of children. The only interest is in holding children's self-identities for ransom until they've lost the will to go in any direction but the one already laid out for them. The ultimate reward is fittingly ironic: to one day imbibe upon the same synthetic illusion of control over one's own children that one's parents imbibed upon.

The culture we live in is inexcusably adult-centric. Children are hardly unaware that the majority of adults are preoccupied with achieving their position within the hierarchy. Adults are often unaware of how frequently they say or do things that blame children's presence for interrupting their adult pursuits. The levels of attachment and devotion children can develop for the rare adult who makes an effort to provide uncluttered rationalizations for children trying to make sense of the inexplicable contradictions that are their parents, teachers, presidents, police force, and all other persons designated 'leaders' they've been told they must follow...exceeds the capacity for words to express. If mal-intent is at the crux of all adult-child relations, then the intent to undermine the imbalanced adult-child dynamic is the mal-intent at it's most chivalrous.

Therein can be found the truth concealed behind the dirty little lies of 'Child predator hysteria'. The underlying fear is that even people with loving intent to defy systemic intimidation must thus also have an underlying perverted intent to undermine the child's willingness to be subjugated through intimidation put upon them already by society. The additional component that this all apparently takes shape within an orb of sexual exchange, secreted away from the parent with willful premeditation and impenetrable by sworn oaths to protect it, can induce pathological levels of fury... against the child most of all.

Parental privilege can only comprehend such actions as betrayals. Parental logic has become so corrupted with the farce of its own divine unaccountability that it cannot process the concept of its children committing willful mutiny. If that can happen, it means that the smoke and mirrors of intimidator control is shattered. The parent is shaken from their all-powerful perch and must now either make good on past translucent threats of violence, or beg mercy in total repentance, and neither option guarantees to regain possession of what has abandoned (been stolen from) them.

This is why society willfully denies everything related to the idea that an adult could earn a child's esteem with no greater empowerment than sheer sincerity. The ultimate price of unnecessarily elevated status is that a fall from such elevated height is irrecoverable and permanently crippling. Parents know this, everyone knows it, so they've attempted to shore up the sagging illusion with additional improvisations like divine childhood innocence and the sacred mission of child-rearing.

It's a play, and free tickets have been distributed to everyone.

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