Saturday, March 27, 2010

Endless Victimhood

The audacity to care for others in a hurting world is raped and ruined the moment it becomes a social expectation rather than an act of genuine love. It's hard to feel genuine sympathy for an individual when one's compassion is demanded or expected, and yet our tears are always at a pretty high premium when the subject of child victims comes up--in fact, they're demanded from us. Compassion becomes a credit system, it becomes a commodity, an investment that you pay down in respect of the victim--something that takes it's payments at every chance encounter and can not ever be paid in full. Once a victim, always a victim, even when the victim becomes the oppressor.

This is what the so-called science of victimology has turned the child into. The champions of the victim have turned individual children who have suffered a catastrophe into walking catastrophes, and turned genuine compassion into an evil force of nature playing out on the grand stage--Victims and Villains, the spectacle, and they, the victim worshipers, the heroes! Genuine compassion becomes the enemy of compliant compassion, because it's not as predictable. A person may find themselves feeling compassionate for a child in a way that celebrates the child's strengths and personality and rebirth after tragedy, and that simply doesn't make for good daytime television or sell self-help books. We can't be feeling good about victims, we have to feel sorry for them!

No victimologist is particularly concerned in turning tragedy into strength for children, too busy glorifying the weakness that is expected of them--the same weakness that was exploited to begin with. The more we exalt the so-called weakness in children, the more prey on that weakness, but of course, the more who prey on the weakness, the more people who can be given the label "victim." The more people have the label, the less freedom they have to be anything but, and the less ability we have to criticize the label.

The more people are hunted down and tagged with the label, the easier it becomes to push social agendas on their behalf but for the greater glory of the powerful on the backs of those who had suffered. It's a phony sentimental appeal to the fickle adult's own weakness of will that every child pinned down as a victim should never, ever, be allowed to escape being one. Of course, as with anything done for the so-called good of children, it is all done on their behalf and has nothing to do with them.

A child is a victim once, when they are abused or neglected. Once intervention has repaired a child's life, they cease being a victim and become a benefactor. They don't continue to be a victim until a victimologist gets a hold of them and puts their tears on the cover of a glossy. The trick is to get the victim to begin to believe and internalize their victimhood in order to use it to oppress others. Thus, the world never runs out of victims.

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