Saturday, March 13, 2010

I Do It For Your Love

Forbidden love becomes it's own reward, regardless of the risk. There are things a Childlover (Child Liberationist) will do out of love that they'd never do for a society. He's far more likely to throw caution to the wind to fulfill the needs of a child than put himself in harm's way to drag his own body from the muddy pit. He'll jump the canyon hoping for a soft landing at the behest of his young love and yet sit contemplating the fall at the top if he were doing it for his own excitement.

All this about going to the ends of the earth for love sounds cliched, but consider that one party in this arrangement is the child, the inevitable object of forbidden love. Society sees no sacrifice a great enough one to make for the heart of a child, and neither do those who hunger for that forbidden morsel. Though they both stand from their own pulpits, harboring a desire to burn their opponents' churches to the ground, their battlefields marked on the child's face, each fails to grasp how similar they are. In the end, the child is sacrificed so there can be peace.

The Childlover will go out on that ever-lengthening limb for the sake of their love and criticize the society for setting up civilization such that a child is subject to the pedestal they're placed on. Meanwhile society itself will head out on another ever-lengthening limb for the sake of it's children and criticize the lonely hearts for giving them justification to steal back the child from the clutches of the dragons among them. We do it for their love.

1 comment:

  1. I assume that CL = Child Lover. No one cares about the positive things that a CL would do. It is the negative stuff that the media and society highlights him/her. With all of the negative stuff that I heard about them, even I question if they don't have a hidden agenda for the child that they claim to protect. Regardless, they seem to be the hidden knights for children. Of course, no one trusts them.
