Friday, March 26, 2010

A Slow Disintegration

They're not entirely the slowly disintegrating corpuscles that they often believe themselves to be, but adults are grotesque, and they know it. The adult is motivated in part by their own slow deterioration, while being uplifted into the social realms of their own creation--having attained human rights and responsibilities--by the maturity they've earned through experience, they inevitably find themselves at a point where they see the transaction for what it really was. For rights and prestige, they've sold their passions. For maturity and responsibility, they've sold their enjoyments. Once this realization has been made, and it can be made at any age past the one drawn in the sand, the boundary between the noble savage and the burdened conqueror, they begin to envy the young, and in envy, there is aggression, and the result of aggression is control.

In the typical portrayal, the child envies the adult's rights without regard for the responsibilities that come with those rights, and the adult envies the child's sweet naivete and youthful ambition, and sexual virility, without regard to the restriction it is under. The child is not envious of the adult's actual state of disintegration any more than the adult is envious of the child's actual state of being inhuman property, but this typical portrayal is not necessarily an accurate depiction of the two psyches at work. Obviously children are at least aware of the adult's responsibilities, and being able to obtain the sacred rights of being human seems to them, from their state of reference, to be worth the price of responsibility. In the same way, to obtain youth or at least the closest proximity to it, the adult is also willing to pay a hefty price.

The plan is simple from there on out. One, control those who have what you want. Adults have granted themselves the power and authority to rule over every aspect of the lives of youth, to restrict their freedoms of expression, love, sentiment, and ability, guide them along preselected pathways to attainment that inevitably suit adult purposes, prosecute and otherwise stigmatize those who don't follow those routes, and all under the half-fast and yet bold-faced ideology of "protecting them." Two, transplant the activities and interests of those you envy into your own life once you've made it impossible for them to have them. It goes without saying, that so many advertisements geared for adults will focus on reattaining youth. Even the word "rejuvenation" which is so often touted in these ads is taken straight from the root word that forms "juvenile." Adults want to live the lifestyle they have assigned in their own imaginations as being that of a juvenile, and have all the rights and responsibilities that go along with adulthood. Essentially, once the actual juveniles are subjected, turn their subjection into adult "rejuvenation."

This is not to say that this is the result of some grand conspiracy, although most adults are in fact aware that this is part of their fundamental makeup. Regardless of whether or not the typical portrayal as described above really exists, many adults believe in it to such extents that they use it to justify the social set up they have constructed and are no doubt ashamed to keep. Like any gratifying thing though, they're helpless to its subtle lure like an addiction, even as they realize that their so-called protections for children are just a neatly packaged front for their ulterior motives. The more they push the button of subjecting youth, the more they get fed their rejuvenation, even when they know it doesn't, and will never work. They know they'll never be young again like the child knows one day she'll be human.

The overfed fear of child predators takes its cues from this dilemma. Adults fear the child predators because they fear that part of themselves that wants to re-assume the qualities of youth for their own pleasure. They hate child predators because they hate the audacity of the child predators for dragging their own psyches out into the open. When child molestation occurs, they not only hate and fear the captured slug, they take personal pleasure in watching it get squished, and they don't mind if their children are watching. The uncorrupted stasis of their children's eyes only needs to be preserved in times when "protecting the children" serves to position the adult as right and pure, but when it only shows them for what they are--gratifying succubi of youth--suddenly the slug must be squished and it's entrails rubbed all over the kids' faces, if only to distract them from the ugliness, the grotesque disintegration, that is them.

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